Begin, bestuur en laat groei jou LLC - alles op een plek.
Gerugsteun deur die beste
Start your U.S. business
van oral ter wêreld
From Business Formation to Bookkeeping and Taxes, we’ve got your back at every step.
All-in-one company formation services
Start Your U.S. Business
We help you start your business in the United States, ensuring compliance from day one.
Get essential documents for banking, taxes, and e-commerce, including an operating agreement and articles of organization.
Diens vir geregistreerde agentskappe
We provide a trusted Registered Agent to receive important business documents on your behalf, keeping your business compliant.
Sales Tax & Reseller Certificate
Setup your business for sales tax and get a reseller certificate, ensuring compliance while unlocking tax-exempt purchasing for your business.
Toegewyde Boekhouding
We manage your books while our software syncs with your bank accounts and Stripe, tracking and categorizing every transaction.
We handle your annual tax paperwork with our in-house tax and CPA teams to maintain good standings and avoid hefty penalties.
The quick path to forming your business
stap 1
Submit your information through our user-friendly Dashboard
To kick off the process, you’ll need to provide some basic information about your future business.
- Company information (Preferred name, entity type, state, and a few other basics)
- Lede inligting (Legal name, address, ownership, and a few additional details)
15 minute
stap 2
Start your U.S. company in any of the 50 states
We help you set up everything you need to start your business in any state.
- Maatskappyvorming in any U.S. state
- Bedryfsooreenkoms en statute
- Diens vir geregistreerde agentskappe for secure document handling
1 week (gemiddeld)
stap 3
Secure your Business
We secure your Business Documents needed for opening a business bank account, hiring employees, and filing taxes.
- Essential Business Documents
1 - 2 werksdae (US residents)
4-6 weeks (on average) (non-US residents)
stap 4
Stel u
Amerikaanse bankrekening
Once you get your business documents, you can apply for a U.S. bank account through our partner portal
- Business Documents required
- Passport required (for international clients)
3 - 5 werksdae
stap 5
Run & grow
jou besigheid
Your business is fully set up and compliant, so you’re ready to dive into your work with confidence.
- Additional Services Keep your company on track with our bookkeeping and tax services.
- Bly voldoen For full compliance support, consider starting with Total Compliance.
Siddharth is an
Amazon-verkoper wat
begin met 'n Amerikaanse LLC
van Indië.
Maatskappye met beperkte aanspreeklikheid (LLC)
A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a flexible business structure in the U.S. that offers personal liability protection and can have one or multiple owners (called members). It’s popular among small business owners and entrepreneurs for its simplicity and tax flexibility.
- Limited liability protection for owners
- Simple management structure and easy to operate
- Unlimited owners (U.S. and international)
- LLCs cannot issue stock
- Ownership represented by members
Sam & Melina are
wat begin het
a C-Corp
van Frankryk.
C-Corporation (C-Corp)
A C-Corporation (C-Corp) is a type of business entity that is legally separate from its owners, providing strong liability protection. It’s the default corporation type in the U.S. and is often chosen by businesses that plan to grow and attract investors.
- Limited liability protection for owners
- Ability to raise capital by issuing stock
- Ownership represented by shareholders
- Management structure with more operating requirements
Jessica is a
who started an
S-Corp van
New York.
S-Corporation (S-Corp)
Only U.S. citizens or residents can be shareholders.
An S-Corporation (S-Corp) is a business structure that offers limited liability like a corporation but with the tax benefits of a pass-through entity. Profits and losses pass directly to the owners’ personal income, avoiding double taxation.
- Limited liability protection for owners
- Deurbelastingbelasting
- Ability to raise capital by issuing stock
- Only U.S. citizens or residents can be shareholders
- Limited to 100 shareholders or fewer
Empowering your business beyond formation
Our Bookkeeping software lets you track and categorize transactions, send invoices, and monitor client payments—all with the added support of a Dedicated Bookkeeper to ensure accuracy and meet your unique needs.
Our team will prepare your annual tax return for submission. Our experts will ensure you stay up-to-date with any changes to tax laws and assist you in claiming all applicable credits.
For any services we don’t offer directly, we have the right partners to support your business. Discover exclusive deals with industry-leading providers in our Marketplace, covering everything from business banking to insurance.
Unleash your success now
Discover essential reads
Byvoordele en belonings
Unlock $100,000 in perks and rewards from top global brands
Vertrou deur 10,000 XNUMX+ Amerikaanse sake-eienaars
Vrae & Antwoorde
Waarom moet ek 'n LLC en 'n besigheidsbankrekening kry?
Die vorming van 'n LLC en die opening van 'n besigheidsbankrekening is noodsaaklike stappe om u persoonlike bates te beskerm en u finansies te stroomlyn. ’n LLC beperk jou persoonlike aanspreeklikheid in geval van regs- of finansiële kwessies, terwyl ’n besigheidsbankrekening jou help om persoonlike en besigheidsfinansies te skei, belastingvoorbereiding makliker maak en ’n meer professionele beeld vir jou besigheid verseker.
Moet ek 'n Amerikaanse burger wees om met doola te werk?
Nee, jy doen nie! Ons werk saam met entrepreneurs van regoor die wêreld om hul besighede ingelyf te kry. Moet egter nie ons woord daarvoor aanvaar nie; kyk na ons TrustPilot-bladsy om te hoor wat mense wêreldwyd oor doola te sê het.
Wat is 'n LLC (maatskappy met beperkte aanspreeklikheid)?
'N Maatskappy met beperkte aanspreeklikheid is 'n formele besigheidstruktuur (geskep volgens staatswetgewing) waar die besigheid wetlik van die eienaar(s) onderskei word. Dit kan 'n enkele eienaar hê in die geval van 'n enkellid LLC of veelvuldige eienaars in die geval van 'n multi-lid LLC.
'n LLC kombineer die voordele van 'n korporasie (beskerming teen persoonlike aanspreeklikheid) en 'n vennootskap (deurlaatbelasting). Aangesien die besigheid 'n aparte regsbestaan het, is die lede nie persoonlik aanspreeklik vir die skulde en verpligtinge van die Maatskappy nie.
Staatswette bepaal hoe LLC's geïnkorporeer moet word. Sommige state vereis dat spesifieke dokumente, soos die statute, lidmaatskapooreenkoms, ens., by die owerhede ingedien moet word.
Kom meer te wete oor LLC's en hoe hulle in werk GRATIS e-boek.
Watter inligting het jy van my nodig om te begin?
Ons het geen dokumente nodig om te begin nie. Ons benodig net 'n paar stukke inligting van jou:
- U maatskappy se naam
- Jou persoonlike adres
- Telefoonnommer en e-pos (vir kontakdoeleindes)
Later in die proses sal jy 'n paspoort nodig hê om jou bankrekening op te stel.
Wat is 'n ITIN?
'n Individuele Belasting-identifikasienommer (ITIN) kan in sommige gevalle as 'n alternatief vir 'n sosiale sekerheidsnommer (SSN) gebruik word en is in die meeste gevalle nie 'n vereiste nie. Daar sal egter van jou verwag word om een te hê as jy vir 'n PayPal-rekening of sekere bankrekeninge wil aansoek doen. Ons lei jou deur hoe hierdie proses lyk in ons lei!
Het u nog 'n vraag?
Beplan 'n gratis konsultasie met 'n kenner van doola, vandag.
Begin vandag jou droombesigheid met doola
Sit terug en ontspan. Ons sal die res hanteer.